Getting Started with Edge Functions

May 18th 10:00am BST, May 25th 10:00am EDT

Join us for an hour long virtual workshop to learn about running your web apps closer to your users with Netlify Edge Functions, dramatically increasing performance.

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About the Workshop

Netlify Edge Functions are the latest addition to Netlify’s suite of serverless tooling available to developers looking to create resilient and performant experiences on the web. In this workshop we’ll explore why and when to use Edge Functions in your projects, and we’ll see how you can add Edge Functions to your new and existing projects.

Topics covered

  • Location, location, location - where your code can execute (and when)
  • Types of serverless functions and how to chose the right one for your needs
  • Adding your first Edge Function to your project
  • Connecting routes to your Edge Functions
  • Anatomy of an Edge Functions - capabilities and API
  • Example applications of Edge Functions

Hosted by Ben Hong

Senior Staff DX Engineer at Netlify
Date: May 25th at 10:00am EDT

Ben Hong is a Senior Staff Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify, Vue Core Team member, Nuxt Ambassador, Vue Mastery instructor and Google Developer Expert. He is a developer / educator / psychologist hybrid who is passionate about creating products that help to empower people with new skills and knowledge. He is also an advocate of building inclusive communities that provide people with the support systems they need to become successful.

Hosted by Phil Hawksworth

Director of Developer Experience at Netlify
Date: May 18th at 10:00am BST

Phil has a passion for browser technologies, and the empowering properties of the web, he loves seeking out ingenuity and simplicity, especially in places where over-engineering is common.

After more than 20 years of building web applications for companies such as Google, Apple, Nike, R/GA, and The London Stock Exchange, Phil has worked to challenge traditional technical architectures in favour of simplicity and effectiveness.

Phil is co-author of “Modern Web Development on the Jamstack” (O’Reilly, 2019)