News & Announcements

Quick tip: find sites faster with sorts and filters

Filters and sort options are available before the Sites list. The filters include owned by (team), created by, and access

News & Announcements

Quick tip: find sites faster with sorts and filters

Filters and sort options are available before the Sites list. The filters include owned by (team), created by, and access

If your team has a lot of sites on Netlify, you might sometimes find it tricky to track down exactly which site you need. To help you find your sites faster, we’ve added sorts and filters to the Sites list.

A Sites list filtered to sites owned by this team, created by me, and with public access

To adjust your Sites list, go to > Sites. The controls at the top of the Sites list will enable you to edit filters and change the sort order:

Filters and sort options are available before the Sites list. The filters include owned by (team), created by, and access

The changes you make will apply to your personal view only, but you can copy and paste the URL in your address bar to share a sorted and filtered view with a colleague. Sorts and filters are stored so that the next time you view the Sites list, your previous selections are remembered. You can clear your filters, or restore the default sort order.

With this update, the default sort order is now “Last published”. We expect this will be a more predictable ordering than the previous internal logic, which sorted sites by any activity—whether initiated by your team members or the internal Netlify platform.

Sort options that include last published (selected), date created, and alphabetical

Note: the site switcher in the navigation header on will remain unfiltered and sorted by “Last published”.

If you like to explore UI visually, you can view the Sites list as a grid instead. In the grid view, site screenshots are front and center:

The Sites list in grid view, where the site screenshots are displayed large

We hope these changes help you track down important sites faster; you can try them out today on > Sites. Have any feedback about this new functionality? Any additional sorts and filters you’d like to use? Please feel free to share with the Netlify team, we always want to hear what you think!

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