Security in Composable Systems

Security is a concern at any major organization. Monolithic applications are particularly prone to security attacks because one attack can bring down the entire system.

With composable systems, there are more points to attack, but bringing down one of those services will likely not bring down the entire system.

Leaning on service providers

One benefit of composable is that you can delegate some security responsibility to third-party providers. If properly vetted, it can boost your overall confidence in your system’s security.

This is why it’s extra important to evaluate service providers diligently. There are many that seem like they can serve enterprises, but don’t have the proper security standards and compliance to be able to do so.

Prerender as much as possible and efficient

Although there are challenges with build times at scale, the benefit of prerendering as much of your site as you can is that there’s no additional connection made when a user requests a page. They simply get the page that was already built.

Consider if you were able to pretender an entire site. A user requesting a page on that site would never even know where the content came from or where and how it is managed. Compare that to a WordPress site where it’s easy to discover that it’s a WordPress site, which leads to an assumption on where the CMS is and how to access it.

In that example, a weak spot in WordPress makes you vulnerable. In the previous example, a weak spot in the CMS goes undetected by your users (although the CMS is still at risk).

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