A Comprehensive Guide

The Jamstack At Scale: Building Sites for Audiences of Millions

Results from the most recent Jamstack Community Survey show that the Jamstack is now being used to build some of the biggest websites in the world, with audiences measured in the millions.

Looking closely at this data, we decided to ask some questions, including:

  • What does the technical stack look like for massive Jamstack sites?
  • Are their sites mostly dynamic or static?
  • How do developers who work on sites with very large audiences differ from other developers?
  • Are these trends changing year over year?

The answers were: all of the above, and more.

Get the Guide

What You’ll Learn From This Book

Using data from the community survey, this ebook provides details on how teams are building Jamstack sites at scale, from workflow preferences to framework selections and more.

  • Which frameworks, CMS, auth providers, and other elements of the tech stack more are popular with teams building Jamstack sites for audiences of millions, and how these trends are changing year over year.
  • The developer demographics and workflows common to teams building large Jamstack sites.
  • How to build your own Jamstack site at scale. As a final exercise, we take the findings and reverse them, offering a configuration of choices for an industry standard Jamstack site.

Spring Powers over 6 Million Storefronts on the Jamstack

Rick Takes

As we’ve moved to a modern Jamstack approach utilizing Netlify we’ve seen impressive improvements in site performance and conversion rate, while also increasing our engineering velocity.

Rick Takes, Director of Engineering, Spring

Thousands of Enterprises Trust Netlify

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