Tools & Services

Interview with Geoff Kimball of ZURB Foundation

Foundation hit the scene in 2011 when interaction design company ZURB decided to create a responsive frontend framework for development.

Fast forward to today, and one open-source project is now three: Foundation for Sites, Foundation for Apps, and Foundation for Email. With the release of Foundation 6 and the static site generator Panini, ZURB designer Geoff Kimball presented the new iteration at the Static Web Tech Meetup, and took time to talk to Netlify about his preference for streamlining the build process, Gulp vs. Grunt, and the problem with following the zeitgeist.

Small tools become annoying when you have to glue them all together

The node ecosystem likes to move around a lot. People like to look at the new ideas and say that the old ideas are bad

The Static Web Tech Meetup is a monthly gathering of developers and tech forward-thinkers who want to learn and share their insight about the technology that will power tomorrow’s internet. Join us at our next event by connecting with us on Meetup!

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