News & Announcements

Netlify CMS Planning: Working in Sprints

News & Announcements

Netlify CMS Planning: Working in Sprints

The Netlify CMS open source project held their bi-weekly planning session yesterday. There’s plenty to be done on the Road to 1.0 — 47 issues to be exact.

We are trying something a little different and out-of-the-norm for open source projects. We’ve decided to break down our December goal to 1.0 into two week sprints. This is to help better organize efforts while enabling the community to know the primary focus of our efforts.

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The next sprint

During our planning session many of our contributors shared their plans for the next two weeks.




  • We are conducting UI/UX user testing. To make more educated decisions about the roughly 16 current design issues, we are asking for help finding potential user testing subjects. We're looking for individuals who work with content and (may) have worked with CMSes before, but are new to Netlify CMS. It's 30-60 minute commitment, and comes with a $40 gift card as a thank you. Interested folks can email, with the subject, "Netlify CMS user study."


  • Would love to see more blogs, tutorials, templates, and assistance with documentation coming from the community.

  • We’d also like to see people submitting issues to let us know where you need help in getting started or feel tutorials/ documentation could be improved.

Hopefully this gives you some insights as to what we are working on for the next couple of weeks!

Special thanks to our contributors—none of this would be possible without you!

We encourage you to check out our next planning session, join our gitter channel to chat, or follow us on twitter for the lastest news!

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