News & Announcements

Netlify Changelog: May 2022

News & Announcements

Netlify Changelog: May 2022

Here’s everything that’s new from the past month!


New Git Integration for Azure DevOps

Netlify now offers first-class support for Azure DevOps! Until now, developers could deploy projects from Azure repos on Netlify through the CLI but the full Netlify workflow wasn’t available. Now teams building websites and apps with Azure can automatically deploy to Netlify, receive deploy notifications, and preview changes with deploy previews.

Learn how to integrate your Azure repos

Astro Quickstart Template

Deploy an Astro project on Netlify! Known for its partial hydration / Islands Architecture approach, this low-JavaScript framework is a new favorite for performance conscious developers. Netlify’s Astro Quickstart template is great for exploring the mechanics and familiarizing yourself with how Astro works.

Deploy the Astro Quickstart template today

Updates & enhancements

Over the month of May, the Netlify team shipped a number of updates to improve the developer experience and maintain integrations with key frameworks and applications. Here are the most important changes to note:

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