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Algolia Crawler

Automatically crawls your website and generates an Algolia Search index.

Enable integration

Automatically index your website to Algolia when deploying your project to Netlify with the Algolia Crawler.

Once a user installs the plugin on their Netlify site, the Algolia Crawler extracts structured data from every page any time a change occurs and indexes the content into Algolia to power the website’s search bar.

Algolia hosts and maintains the index in the cloud, allowing developers to build highly-tailored frontend experiences using one of several pre-built UI libraries.

The Algolia Crawler plugin can be used for a wide variety of industries — from media to technology — for various use cases, including site search with federated search, filtering, and faceting; documentation search; and customer self-service and support.

Recommended Integrations

New Relic
Automatically notifies New Relic of Netlify build events and installs the New Relic browser agent to monitor your sites.