Commerce Layer Ecommerce Template
A multi-country ecommerce template built with Commerce Layer, Next.js, Sanity studio, and deployed to Netlify
- Developed by Commerce Layer
Template Features
A user-friendly and performant ecommerce storefront (with products, categories, i18n, cart, checkout, etc.)
International transactional functionalities powered by Commerce Layer APIs.
Structured content and a customizable Sanity authoring environment.
PSD2-compliant and production-ready checkout functionality powered by Commerce Layer React Checkout application.
Commerce seed data powered by Commerce Layer CLI Seeder plugin.
React18 and Next13 support.
Type-checking and code linting.
Localization support (including Italian and French translations).
SEO and progressive web application (PWA) support.
Comprehensive installation and usage documentation.
One-click deployment configuration to Netlify.