Build and run serverless APIs and apps on the cloud-of-your-choice.
- Nimbella
- Nimbella plugin to extend Netlify Sites with stateful and portable serverless APIs.

- Website nimbella.com
- Need Help? Contact Nimbella
Nimbella Serverless Platform makes serverless API and application development frictionless and portable to a cloud-of-your-choice. It hides and automates many of the complexities associated with cloud IT operations, transparently leverages dozens of cloud native services needed to secure and scale cloud apps, and provides a fast and uniform serverless programming model for developers. The platform is available as a managed service and as a full-stack solution for any public or private Kubernetes environment.
Use Cases
Choose the Programming Language and Runtime that Solves your Problem
- Serverless APIs built with Nimbella can be implemented in numerous languages including Python, Rust, Swift, Ruby, PHP, Java, .NET, Go, Node, and Deno. You can even use Docker containers or mix languages if necessary. Do you need longer durations for your APIs? Need more memory for that data-intensive API? Want quick access to your logs? Or you want to create your own runtime environment for your serverless functions? Nimbella has you covered.
Build Stateful APIs, Still Serverless
- Developers can readily leverage Nimbella's integrated key-value and data stores to store session state, toggle debug and log levels on the fly, handle payment and workflow orchestration, manage media files, or even as a lightweight and fast database. Best of all this all works with Netlify automated builds, almost like magic, so you can continue to deploy your Netlify Sites with processes that are familiar to you.
Run your Serverless Functions and APIs in the Cloud-of-your-choice or in your Private Cloud
- With Nimbella you can power your Netlify Sites with APIs that are running on the cloud of your choice, even on infrastructure that you control. Nimbella makes this possible by deploying a full-stack serverless platform in your virtual private cloud (using Kubernetes) or public cloud-of-your-choice. APIs that need to run securely behind your firewalls can still be serverless while leveraging the best of the cloud-native services available today.